When my husband Chuck and I went to Antarctica for the first time, I fell in love with penguins.

By the end of the trip, I described my joyful state as the penguin glow. That feeling – that glow – captures much and applies to many things for all of us: how we feel when we connect to nature, how we feel when we accomplish something worthwhile, how we feel when we’re healthy in a holistic way, how we feel when we speak our truth and we’re heard.

Every Penguin in the World:
The Quest to See Them All
Every Penguin is Chuck’s book about our incredible adventure to see all 18 penguin species in the world. Order the book and check out the reader’s guide, educational guide, and other great resources here. Big news: Dr. Jane Goodall wrote a glowing endorsement of Every Penguin. So excited!

The natural world is one of my abiding loves.
I grew up in the forest, playing with salamanders and saving baby robins when they fell out of the nest. I love things with wings. Things that fly in the air and things that fly in the water – as penguins do. I love creatures with fur and animals that walk on four legs and on two.

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The mountains, the water, and the air fill my spirit. I glow when I’m with animals. And I’m in pain when I see what we do to the earth and its inhabitants. I ask myself: how can I be present to both the joy and the suffering, and help make a difference?
Check out our Make a Difference card for some ways we can all help the natural world.

GLOW = shine with a steady light